Monday, 15 August 2011

[Agent Spree] Candy Box #1 - COMPLETED

Click on the below banner to start spreeing
* Combine shipping with Buloso #1 via Taiwan Agent. Agent fee = NT$150 to be split based on the number of paid spree-ers for both sprees.

Closing Date: Sunday, 21 August 2011, 23:59 SGT
Extended till Sunday, 28 August 2011, 23:59 SGT

Min. capping of NT$5,000

Spree Order Status: 15 12 items / NT$3,718 3,078
[1] SpreezMania - 3 items NT$579 (1 item OOS)
[2] Candy Ang - 3 items S$48.50 (Paid) (1 item OOS) (Mailed on 15/10/11 - With TF#3 & PG#3)
[3] Joyce Sin - 3 items S$41 (Unpaid)
[4] Elaine Wong - 2 items S$35 (Paid) (Mailed on 15/10/11 - With TF#3)
[5] Xun - 4 items S$68.45 (Paid) (1 item OOS) (Collected on 25/10/11 - With Buloso#1)

Spree Updates
15/08/11 - Spree opened.
29/08/11 - Spree closed. Unpaid spree-ers, kindly please make payments asap.
31/08/11 - Unpaid orders are striked off & removed. Orders sent in to Candy Box. No reply from seller. Called Candy Box to check if they did receive my e-mail. Seller apologise for the delay as the person-in-charge (PIC) is currently unavailable, but they promise to reply asap.
01/09/11 - Still no reply from Candy Box. Called them to check. Candy Box replied orders received & that they'll revert with the order details by tomorrow.
02/09/11 - Still no reply from Candy Box. Called them yet again to check. Candy Box apologise for the delay, saying that the PIC has been away for the past few days & that nobody else is able to cover her duties. I've asked seller to give me a confirmed date as to when can I expect a reply from them as I've already been waiting endlessly for the past 3 days! But all they can say is that the PIC will return to work tomorrow & the earliest reply date is expected to be tomorrow. I'll chase Candy Box again if still no reply by 05/09/11.
05/09/11 - Candy Box finally replied my e-mail after 3 calls to them today! I personally spoke to the PIC to give her a piece of my mind then she replied me. In the midst of confirming orders with seller.
06/09/11 - Candy Box replied with their order status. 3 items are out of stock (OOS) as highlighted in green. Those highlighted in red needs restocking. Spree Workings updated accordingly. In addition, I called seller to check on some matters regarding such ordering & was told that we're not entitled to the usual perks offered to Taiwan buyers, such as discounts. We're only allowed free domestic shipping, despite my best efforts in arguing the case. Their reason is that we're considered as overseas buyers, irregardless of the address. Since without the discounts, it's actually more expensive for re-direction of parcel as compared to agent spree (the discounts more or less offset the agent fee & no need for re-direction fee), this spree will be converted to an agent spree for the remaining 9 items. Orders will be sent in to agent tomorrow.
07/09/11 - Orders sent in to Agent. Agent replied with details of 1st payment. [Agent's ReplyAgent fee = 8% since number of items is now reduced to only 9. Checking with agent on the calculations before proceeding with remittance.
08/09/11 - Paid 1st payment to agent via PayPal. [1st Payment] Agent confirmed payment received. Orders placed with Candy Box.
09/09/11 - Agent informed orders were successfully placed. All items are entitled to NT$15 discount each. This will be offset against the 2nd payment. 4 items need restocking as highlighted in red. Spree Workings updated accordingly. Restocking process takes 7-30 working days.
16/09/11 - Agent informed still 4 items restocking.
23/09/11 - Agent informed 2 items restocking.
29/09/11 - Agent informed items have arrived & revert with details of 2nd & final payment. [Agent's Reply]
30/09/11 - Paid 2nd & final payment to agent via PayPal. [2nd Payment]
03/10/11 - Agent confirmed payment received. Parcel shipped via Airmail on 30/09. Tracking No. CC203949381TW. Tracking can be done here.
06/10/11 - Parcel arrived! Due to my hectic work schedule, sorting of parcel will only be done on Sat (08/10). Our sincere apologies for the delay & any inconvenience caused.
08/10/11 - Spree Workings updated with final calculations. Mass e-mail & sms sent. Refunds made to Candy & Elaine. Xun to be refunded in cash during meet-up. Spree completed in 39 days from the date of order sent. Thank you for spreeing with SpreezMania & we hope to see you again soon! :)