Click on the below links to start spreeing. Orders from both links are accepted.
[1] Yahoo! Auction
[2] Main Website (Includes off-season items that are removed from Yahoo! Auction)
Closing Date: Sunday, 13 November 2011, 23:59 SGT
Spree Order Status: 36 items
[1] SpreezMania - 2 items NT$398
[2] Jie Ying - 10 items S$153.45 (Paid) (Collected on 12/12/11 - With Agent#2 & CB#2)[3] Rachel Sim - 3 items S$43.50 (Paid) (Mailed on 05/12/11)
[4] Shuping - 4 items S$60.90 (Paid) (Mailed on 05/12/11)
[5] Elaine Wong - 7 items S$138.30 (Paid) (Mailed on 06/12/11)
[6] Jing Yi - 8 items S$126.80 (Paid) (Collected on 07/12/11)
[7] Peiyi - 2 items S$44.95 (Paid) (Mailed on 10/12/11)
Spree Updates
07/11/11 - Spree opened.
14/11/11 - Spree closed. Any more orders & all outstanding payments to be in ASAP.
15/11/11 - Orders sent. Tokyo Fashion replied 1 item is out of stock (OOS) as highlighted in green. Replacement made as highlighted in blue. Tokyo Fashion replied replacement colour is available for purchase. Confirmed orders with seller.
16/11/11 - Tokyo Fashion replied with their payment details. [Seller's Reply]
17 regular items are entitled to 5% discount:
☆東京著衣☆【好女孩必備☆1019924☆側蝶結百褶裙】- Jie Ying
☆東京著衣☆【推薦!!俐落時尚風格☆1018234☆雙排釦短版風衣外套】- Jie Ying
☆東京著衣☆【日系女孩的甜美單品☆1017545☆層次印圖雪紡上衣】- Jie Ying
☆東京著衣☆【大人氣!!日雜ViVi推薦☆1016699☆蕾絲荷葉壓折上衣】- Jie Ying
☆東京著衣☆【Sweet Lady獨家款☆1007393☆蝶結綴珠皺袖上衣】- Rachel Sim
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!獨家☆1020524☆車折毛呢短裙】- Rachel Sim
☆東京著衣☆【獨家!!主角級的必備單品☆1016460☆銅扣皮帶反折短褲】- Shuping
☆東京著衣☆【獨家款!!四季皆可穿☆1017656☆飾蝶結口袋反折短褲】- Shuping
☆東京著衣☆【YOCO~女神系☆1024924☆韓貨收腰抓皺長洋裝】- Elaine Wong
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!☆1022914☆寬管西裝褲】- Elaine Wong
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!獨家設計☆1021428☆壓折混色毛呢及膝裙】- Elaine Wong
☆東京著衣☆【百搭褲款☆1021074☆反折扣帶斜紋棉短褲】- Elaine Wong
☆東京著衣☆【打造甜美小女人!!☆1014452☆點點公主袖配色長上衣】- Jing Yi
☆東京著衣☆【人氣推薦必敗款!!☆1018740☆條紋綁帶七分袖上衣】- Jing Yi
☆東京著衣☆【大人氣!!日雜ViVi推薦☆1016699☆蕾絲荷葉壓折上衣】- Jing Yi
☆東京著衣☆【送皮帶!!時髦X顯瘦穿搭術☆1017204☆反折口袋車折長褲】- Peiyi
2 items belonging to the "Green" promotion category are entitled to be purchased at 2 for NT$349:
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價280☆1002763☆露肩圓點波浪雪紡綁結上衣】- Elaine Wong
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價320☆1014610☆點點綁結配色上衣-粉色】- Jing Yi
Payment made via credit card. [Payment] S$ amount to be posted later when reflected in the credit card statement. 2 items under restocking as highlighted in red. Restocking process takes 3-14 working days.
19/11/11 - S$ amount is now reflected in the credit card statement. [Payment Conversion]
25/11/11 - Restocking completed. Parcel shipped via Airmail. Tracking No. CC241688338TW. Tracking can be done here.
30/11/11 - Parcel arrived at Speedpost. Tracking can be done here. Parcel arrived! Due to my hectic work schedule, sorting of parcel will only be done on Sat (03/12). Our sincere apologies for the delay & any inconvenience caused.
03/12/11 - Spree Workings updated with the final calculations. Mass e-mail & sms sent. All refunds made to spree-ers. Spree completed in 19 days from the date of orders sent. Thank you for spreeing with SpreezMania & we hope to see you again soon! :)