Monday, 27 June 2011

Tokyo Fashion #1 - COMPLETED

Click on the below banner to start spreeing
Spree Workings

Closing Date: Sunday, 31 July 2011, 23:59 SGT
Extended till Sunday, 7 August 2011, 23:59 SGT

Min. capping of 15 items

Spree Order Status: 32 31 items
[1] SpreezMania - 1 item NT$99
[2] Soh SC - 3 items S$50.40 (Paid) (Collected on 12/09/11)
[3] Gina S - 1 item S$14 (Unpaid)
[4] Priscilla - 2 items S$27.50 (Paid) (Collected on 09/09/11)
[5] Chris - 2 items S$31 (Paid S$30) (Mailed on 10/09/11)
[6] Elaine Wong - 4 items S$53 (Paid) (1 item OOS) (Mailed on 10/09/11)
[7] Rachel Sim - 1 item S$19 (Paid) (Mailed on 10/09/11)
[8] Rachel Hon - 3 items S$45.95 (Paid) (Collected on 09/09/11)
[9] Lynn Loo - 5 items S$64.95 (Paid) (Mailed on 10/09/11)
[10] Peiyi - 10 items S$200.75 (Paid) (Mailed on 10/09/11)

Spree Updates
27/06/11 - Spree opened.
08/08/11 - Spree closed. Any more orders & all outstanding payments to be in ASAP.
10/08/11 - Unpaid orders are striked off & removed from Spree Workings. Orders sent. Tokyo Fashion replied 1 item is OOS as highlighted in green. Confirmed remaining orders with seller.
11/08/11 - Tokyo Fashion replied with their payment details. [Seller's Reply]
14 regular items are entitled to 5% discount:
☆東京著衣☆【Mina日雜大推薦☆1002731☆丹寧木釦連帽罩衫外套】- Soh SC
☆東京著衣☆【行動力UP甜美休閒款☆1010645☆腰蝶結抓折褲裙】- Soh SC
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!簡約優雅的迷人穿著☆1014613☆波浪袖腰抓皺紗質洋裝】- Priscilla
☆東京著衣☆【率性女孩輕便衣著☆1014850☆丹寧水洗燈籠褲】x2 - Chris & Elaine
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!打造完美女人Look☆1013371☆車折領收腰紗質上衣】- Rachel Sim
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!優質新選☆1010660☆雕花波浪領紗質上衣】- Rachel Hon
☆東京著衣☆【YOCO~花都浪漫款☆1014919☆配色V領車線洋裝】- Peiyi
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!宴會必備獨家款☆1012402☆網紗拼接雪紡洋裝】- Peiyi
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!打造韓系甜美風☆1012025☆配色壓折紗質上衣】- Peiyi
☆東京著衣☆【YOCO~Lady極簡風☆1013806☆韓貨配色滾邊雪紡洋裝】- Peiyi
☆東京著衣☆【YOCO~實搭必備單品☆1014170☆鏤空七分針織外套/罩衫】- Peiyi
☆東京著衣☆【獨家款!!好感度立即提昇☆1012736☆壓折領結紗質上衣】- Peiyi
Paid seller via credit card. [Payment] S$ amount to be posted later when reflected in the credit card statement. Spree Workings updated with the estimated delivery dates for restocking items as highlighted in red. Restocking process takes 3-14 days. 2 items restocking.
15/08/11 - S$ amount is now reflected in the credit card statement. [Payment Conversion]
20/08/11 - 1 item restocking, pending Tokyo Fashion to update its estimated delivery date.
26/08/11 - Still 1 item restocking with no delivery date yet.
29/08/11 - Restocking completed. Parcel shipped via Airmail. Tracking No. CC226470829TW. Tracking can be done here.
06/09/11 - Parcel arrived at Speedpost. Tracking can be done here.
08/09/11 - Parcel arrived! Spree Workings updated with the final calculations. Mass e-mail & sms sent. All necessary refunds made to spree-ers. Spree completed in 30 days from the date of orders sent. Thank you for spreeing with SpreezMania & we hope to see you again soon! :)

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