Monday, 27 June 2011


Click on the below links to start spreeing. Orders from both links are accepted.
[2] Main Website (Includes off-season items that are removed from Yahoo! Auction)

Closing Date: Sunday, 31 July 2011, 23:59 SGT

Spree Order Status: 16 13 items
[1] SpreezMania - 1 item NT$99
[2] Gina S - 1 item S$11.95 (Unpaid)
[3] Xun - 3 items S$47.50 (Paid) (Collected on 22/09/11)
[4] Christine Hoo - 3 items S$40.40 (Paid) (Collected on 21/09/11)
[5] Puff - 3 items S$50 (Paid) (Collected on 22/09/11)
[6] Shihui - 2 items S$27.45 (Paid) (Mailed on 20/09/11)
[7] Belinda Chong - 2 items S$27.45 (Unpaid)
[8] Jing Yan - 1 item S$10 (Paid) (Mailed on 21/09/11)

Spree Updates
27/06/11 - Spree opened.
01/08/11 - Spree closed. Any more orders & all outstanding payments to be in ASAP.
03/08/11 - Unpaid orders are striked off & removed from Spree Workings. Orders sent. PG Mall replied with their order status & estimated delivery dates for restocking items as highlighted in red. Spree Workings updated accordingly.
04/08/11 - Confirmed orders with PG Mall.
05/08/11 - PG Mall replied with their payment details. [Seller's Reply] All items are entitled to 20% discount with the exception of 3 special offer items as stated below:
P803 甜漾菱格長夾 - SpreezMania
**PG美人網**1214╭*7/19漫遊沐夏.休閒布料蝙蝠包*╮7色 (網路價590)特賣$290 x2 - Xun & Puff
E-mailed seller to check on some payment issues before proceeding with remittance.
06/08/11 - Paid PG Mall via PayPal. [Payment]
09/08/11 - PG Mall confirmed payment received. E-mailed seller to check on the restocking status.
10/08/11 - PG Mall replied with the latest estimated delivery dates for restocking items. Spree Workings updated accordingly. 4 items restocking.
19/08/11 - Restocking should be completed. E-mailed PG Mall to check on the status. Seller replied 1 item is still under restocking with the latest estimated delivery date to be 31/08.
01/09/11 - Restocking should be completed. E-mailed PG Mall to check on the status.
02/09/11 - PG Mall replied 1 item is still under restocking with the latest estimated delivery date to be 05/09.
06/09/11 - Restocking is not yet completed as per PG Mall's online stock status.
07/09/11 - Restocking completed. PG Mall informed that parcel will be shipped out tomorrow.
09/09/11 - No updates from PG Mall on the parcel status. E-mailed seller to check. PG Mall informed parcel has been shipped via Airmail. Tracking No. CC207706345TW. Tracking can be done here.
16/09/11 - Parcel arrived at Speedpost. Tracking can be done here.
17/09/11 - Parcel arrived! But I need to check with PG Mall on the freight cost, as there's a big difference in the actual amount (NT$880) vs the paid amount (NT$1,210). I'll NOT release spree items for collection till seller revert with an answer.
19/09/11 - PG Mall replied. [Seller's Reply] The difference of NT$330 will be carried forward to be offset against the next order. Seller has also included some notebooks in line with their promotion. We'll be distributing them in the form of 1 notebook per spree-er. Spree Workings updated with the final calculations. Mass e-mail & sms sent. All necessary refunds made to spree-ers. Spree completed in 48 days from the date of orders sent. Thank you for spreeing with SpreezMania & we hope to see you again soon! :)

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