Monday, 3 October 2011

[Agent Spree] Agent #2 - COMPLETED

Click on the below banners to start spreeing

[1] FM Shoes

[2] Imagine Girl

[3] Imagine Men
* [2] & [3] belongs to the same seller.

[4] Moda

[5] SunShine
* [5] may be converted to a non-agent spree depending on response.
For ordering, please use the agent spree order format. If converted to a non-agent spree, the excess payment will be used to offset shipping & postage costs.

**Agent Fee: Additional 10% on item price**

Closing Date: Sunday, 9 October 2011, 23:59 SGT

Spree Order Status: 18 16 items

FM Shoes: 14 12 items
[1] Joyce Sin - 2 items S$48.35 (Unpaid)
[2] C.Huah - 6 items S$155.45 (Paid) (1 item OOS) (Mailed on 08/12/11)
[3] Clare Yong - 1 item S$23.90 (Paid) (Collected on 02/12/11)
[4] Peiyi - 3 items S$71.70 (Paid) (Mailed on 30/11/11)
[5] Haze Goh - 2 items S$40.65 (Paid) (Collected on 30/11/11)

Imagine: 4 items
[1] Jie Ying - 2 items S$36.80 (Paid) (Collected on 12/12/11 - With TF#5 & CB#2)
[2] Lynn Loo - 2 items S$47.69 (Paid) (1 item OOS) (Mailed on 30/11/11 - With Betwo #5)

Moda: 0 item

Sunshine: 0 item

Spree Updates
03/10/11 - Spree opened.
10/10/11 - Spree closed. Any more orders & all outstanding payments to be in ASAP.
12/10/11 - Unpaid orders are striked off & removed from Spree Workings. Orders sent. Agent replied 1 item from FM Shoes is out of stock (OOS) as highlighted in green & revert with details of 1st payment. [Agent's Reply] Payment made via PayPal. [Payment]
13/10/11 - Agent confirmed payment received. Orders placed with respective sellers.
18/10/11 - Agent informed orders were successfully placed. Items are under restocking & the process takes 7-40 working days. 
25/10/11 - E-mailed Agent to check on the restocking status. Agent replied 10 items restocking as highlighted in red.
08/11/11 - E-mailed Agent to check on the restocking status. Agent replied 3 items restocking.
21/11/11 - E-mailed Agent to check on the restocking status.
22/11/11 - Agent informed restocking completed. Parcel is queuing to be sent out to Agent.
23/11/11 - Agent informed parcel has arrived. 1 item (IMAGINE╭*【N121388】C'est la vie‧秋日可人菱形鉤織短版連袖衫‧五色(現+預) 粉橘黃- Lynn Loo) is OOS. 2nd & final payment details is also given. [Agent's Reply] Bank fee of NT$17 is payable for Fashion Market due to inter-bank payment transfer. Payment made via PayPal. [2nd PaymentParcel shipped via Airmail. Tracking No. CC203949735TW. Tracking can be done here.
28/11/11 - Parcel arrived at Speedpost. Tracking can be done hereParcel arrived! In the midst of sorting.
29/11/11 - Spree Workings updated with the final calculations. Mass e-mail & sms sent. All refunds made to spree-ers. Spree completed in 49 days from the date of orders sent. Thank you for spreeing with SpreezMania & we hope to see you again soon! :)