Monday, 10 October 2011

Tokyo Fashion #4 - COMPLETED

Click on the below links to start spreeing. Orders from both links are accepted.
[2] Main Website (Includes off-season items that are removed from Yahoo! Auction)

* Freebie Promotion: We're giving away 1 cute rabbit pencil box (yellow) to the highest paid order received (based on 1st payment amount excluding any OOS items). - Elaine Wong

Closing Date: Sunday, 16 October 2011, 23:59 SGT

Min. capping of 15 items

Spree Order Status: 33 items
[1] Candy Ang - 1 item S$10 (Paid) (Mailed on 01/11/11)
[2] Peixin - 5 items S$70.40 (Paid) (1 item OOS) (Mailed on 02/11/11)
[3] Rachel Sim - 2 items S$32.45 (Paid) (Mailed on 02/11/11)
[4] Lynn Loo - 3 items S$35.95 (Paid) (Mailed on 02/11/11)
[5] Rachel Hon - 8 items S$105.40 (Paid) (Collected on 31/10/11)
[6] Elaine Wong - 6 items S$105.50 (Paid) (Mailed on 01/11/11)
[7] Gladys Cheong - 3 items S$42 (Paid) (Collected on 31/10/11)
[8] Jing Yi - 4 items S$69.45 (Paid) (1 item OOS) (Collected on 01/11/11)
[9] Jerlynn - 1 item S$15.50 (Paid S$23) (Full OOS)

Spree Updates
10/10/11 - Spree opened.
17/10/11 - Spree closed. Any more orders & all outstanding payments to be in ASAP.
18/10/11 - Orders sent.
19/10/11 - Tokyo Fashion replied 3 items are out of stock (OOS) as highlighted in green. Full refund made to Jerlynn. Confirmed orders with seller.
20/10/11 - Tokyo Fashion replied with their payment details. [Seller's Reply]
7 regular items are entitled to 5% discount:
☆東京著衣☆【獨家!!主角級的必備單品☆1016460☆銅扣皮帶反折短褲】- Peixin
☆東京著衣☆【獨家!!立即提昇氣質☆0013459☆細皮帶質感車折裙-S.M.L】- Rachel Sim
☆東京著衣☆【打造初秋氣質美眉☆1016883☆車折收腰雪紡上衣】- Rachel Hon
☆東京著衣☆【蓬鬆俏麗感☆1021023☆蝶結蛋糕毛呢褲裙】- Elaine Wong
☆東京著衣☆【獨家甜美通勤服☆1019560☆銀釦皺袖短版外套】- Elaine Wong
☆東京著衣☆【MAYUKI品牌!!美麗上班服☆1017210☆雙排釦綁帶風衣外套】- Jing Yi
☆東京著衣☆【送編織皮帶!!超值都會首選☆1018237☆點點袖釦假口袋襯衫】- Jing Yi
14 items belonging to the "Green" promotion category are entitled to be purchased at 2 for NT$349:
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價299☆1014622☆波浪點點雪紡上衣】- Peixin
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價320☆1012148☆配色領層次雪紡衫】- Peixin
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價299☆1012118☆印紋絲巾紗質長上衣-粉藕】- Rachel Sim (Paired with Jing Yi)
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價350☆1009242☆翻領反折袖襯衫/外套-粉色】- Lynn Loo
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價350☆1012244☆抽繩配色連帽長外套-藍色】- Lynn Loo
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價320☆1014718☆波浪綴珠層次上衣】- Rachel Hon
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價320☆1010395☆印花波浪袖長上衣】- Rachel Hon
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價290☆1006740☆雕花波浪紗質長上衣】- Rachel Hon
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價370☆1015375☆側波浪雪紡上衣】- Rachel Hon
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價299☆1015370☆領壓折紗質上衣】- Rachel Hon (Paired with Elaine Wong)
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價290☆1017506☆蝶結蛋糕丹寧褲裙】- Elaine Wong (Paired with Rachel Hon)
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價290☆1015548☆包釦蕾絲紗質洋裝】- Gladys Cheong
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價350☆1013362☆銀釦波浪棉質短裙】- Gladys Cheong
☆東京著衣☆【激安!夏末特賣會‧原價350☆1011563☆點點雪紡細褶洋裝】- Jing Yi (Paired with Rachel Sim)
Paid seller via credit card. [Payment] S$ amount to be posted later when reflected in the credit card statement. 1 item is under restocking as highlighted in red. Restocking process takes 3-14 working days.
22/10/11 - Latest estimated delivery date for the restocking item as seen from Tokyo Fashion's online system is 25/10.
24/10/11 - S$ amount is now reflected in the credit card statement. [Payment Conversion]
25/10/11 - Restocking completed. Parcel shipped via Airmail. Tracking No. CC226557145TW. Tracking can be done here.
29/10/11 - Parcel arrived at Speedpost. Tracking can be done here.
30/10/11 - Parcel arrived! Spree Workings updated with the final calculations. Mass e-mail & sms sent. All refunds made to spree-ers. Spree completed in 13 days from the date of orders sent. Thank you for spreeing with SpreezMania & we hope to see you again soon! :)