Click on the below banners to start spreeing
[1] OrangeBear (Plus Size)
[2] OB design (Normal Size)
* [1] & [2] belongs to the same seller. Orders from both links are accepted.
* NOT accepting $1 bidding (一元起標) items.
* This is an agent spree, even though seller does ship internationally, as we're experiencing technical difficulties with their online system (only way to place orders) that can't be resolved. However, we believe that even with the agent fee, you'll find that our rates are comparable or even lesser than the market rates. (Refer to our recently completed OB #1 spree for the cost estimation)
**Agent Fee: Additional 10% on item price**
Closing Date: Sunday, 18 December 2011, 23:59 SGT
Spree Order Status: 12 items
[1] SpreezMania - 3 items NT$424
[2] Elaine Wong - 3 items S$55.59 (Paid S$65) (Couriered on 03/03/12 - With TF#7)
[3] Samantha Gay - 2 items S$45.90 (Paid) (Mailed on 03/03/12)
[4] Shihui - 4 items S$79.43 (Paid) (1 item OOS) (Mailed on 03/03/12)
Spree Updates
12/12/11 - Spree opened.
19/12/11 - Spree closed. Any more orders & all outstanding payments to be in ASAP.
22/12/11 - Unpaid orders are striked off & removed. Orders sent. Our sincere apologies for this late sent-in as we've been extremely busy with work for the past few days.
23/12/11 - Agent replied. [Agent's Reply] 1 item is OOS as highlighted in green. Payment made via PayPal. [1st Payment] 5 items restocking as highlighted in red.
04/01/12 - E-mailed Agent to check on the restocking status.
06/01/12 - Agent replied 4 items restocking.
20/01/12 - E-mailed Agent to check on the restocking status. Please take note Taiwan is currently having their CNY holiday from 21-29/01. E-mail replies & shipments from Taiwan side will be delayed till 30/01.
21/01/12 - Agent replied 1 item restocking.
06/02/12 - Agent informed still 1 item restocking. Agent will check with seller on the estimated completion date of restocking. If OB still don't have a confirm date, this item will be cancelled & removed as the restocking time is too long.
12/02/12 - Agent informed OB will be sending out the parcel to Agent 5 working days later.
21/02/12 - No updates from Agent on the delivery status. E-mailed Agent to check.
22/02/12 - Agent replied items arrived yesterday night & advised shipping fee details. [Agent's Reply] Payment made via PayPal. [Payment] Payment is inclusive of our personal expenses of NT$415. Agent informed parcel shipped. Tracking No. CC207629533TW. Tracking can be done here.
28/02/12 - Parcel arrived! In the midst of sorting.
02/03/12 - Spree Workings updated with the final calculations. Mass e-mail & sms sent. Refunds made to spree-ers. Spree completed in 69 days from the date of orders sent. Thank you for spreeing with SpreezMania & we hope to see you again soon! :)